Sunday, December 7, 2008

watch where you're going, needle dick!

so last night was the bresnan christmas party. after traveling through the convention center, the holiday inn and then BACK to the convention center, we finally found one of coralene's co-workers. all that aside, we got to the party which was awesome! the found was my favorite part and didn't hesitate to load up two plates.

we also enjoyed some christmas spirits. note my delicious gin and tonic.

i'm getting tired of seeing all the blackberry storm commercials because it just makes me want one more. i mean come on....'s the shit.

aside from p beginning teething, she has been in an exceptionally great mood.

she can officially roll over on to her belly now so she will be skiing in no time. actually, that might not be so good. have you ever seen a bobble head on skis?

1 comment:

Fawn and Flower said...

I would like to have a nice buffet right now. We need to have home buffet. AND start crashing weddings!